
We are busy over here at the Rothfuss house researching,
preparing to travel, and packing!

We are also nesting…
cleaning, stocking the freezer and pantry, trying to get ahead on school work,
assembling bunk beds, setting up the pack and play
in mom and dad’s room, just in case.
Preparing for our early days at home in many different ways.

We will return home from our travels and cozy up to cocoon here at home for a season.
Today while doing some reading on line, I happened upon a wonderfully encouraging and helpful blog called A Beautiful Symphony.
I found this post particularly helpful as I thought about the season
we will enter into upon coming home. The author likens this season of cocooning
to a time of respite to recover from the necessary trauma of adoption. Here is a quote that helps to see the experience from the point of view of the adoptive child…

“A great way to think about newly adopted children is as if they are a newborn. In a sense, they are just that. A newly born child into a family in another country where NOTHING is like anything they have ever known: new language, new people. new food, new home…”

She also gives some suggestions for cocooning that would be helpful to other adoptive parents or their friends and family members seeking to understand
the cocooning experience.

This is a precious season in the life of a family, but also very challenging as well.
This will be the third time we have welcomed home a newly adopted child
as the year was coming to a close and springtime’s celebration of new life
has been so, so sweet each time so far!
You can look forward to what’s to come with us!
This beautiful butterfly has grown 4 inches and gained 12 pounds since coming home two years ago!


Thank you so much for reading along, praying for us, helping us prepare to travel, participating in Tag the Bag and our other fundraisers.
We appreciate you all so much!

One thought on “nesting.

  1. EEEP I cannot believe you guys are literally leaving in THIRTEEN DAYS!!!! Blessings on your trip, and praying for you all!!

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