Every Journey is Unique

China is a big place, so we know we have seen very little of it. Here are a few of our observations. We saw exactly 3 cats and 4 dogs in China so far. This cat is sitting conspicuously close to the tank full of fish in the park. They let kids catch them with little poles and then their parents pay for them. I’m guessing for pets, but who knows.IMG_0583

This dog was on its way somewhere by itself yesterday. Lucy is not a dog lover, they kinda freak her out. IMG_2370

This is in the front door of a restaurant. It is very common to to have seafood that you pick out and they cook. (I didn’t see any goldfish).


Speaking of food, here are some of the things we ate.


I mostly took pictures of breakfast, and then I wore out.IMG_0373

This is KFC in Xian. I got a chicken sandwich. It had dark meat, and was spicy: gotta say it was a bit disappointing.

We found this restaurant at a large department store.

IMG_9505OK, we didn’t actually eat at the chicken head place.

Picture from inside an art, clothing, suitcase shop on Shamian Island.


This is Lucy watching Becca play the piano at home. Our contact with home has been more limited than we hoped. They are doing a great job.



6 thoughts on “Every Journey is Unique

  1. Homesick again!! Great to see these posts from you all, and to see photos of Lucy!! We are thinking of you all non-stop! And praying! Love you guys!

  2. I would second what Grandma Mary said!! They are doing a great job!!

    Fun pictures!! I don’t remember ever seeing a dog or cat, but we did see lots of tanks of seafood tanks! Love you all!!

  3. You should be SO PROUD of the crew at home. They have done a remarkable job. Glad to see all the China pictures and know that all is well. Hurry home:)

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