As we prepare to go…

It’s almost time!

We will be leaving early Thursday morning.
Something tells me that this week is going to go really fast!
Our travel plans have us stopping in Chicago and Beijing on our way to Xi’an.  We will arrive late Friday night.  According to our itinerary, we will meet Lucy Joy Sunday afternoon at 4:00pm China time.  With the 14 hour time difference, this means that when all of you wake up Sunday morning… our Sunday will already have happened and we will have our Sparrow with us!!


Last time going to church as a family of six!

Last time going to church as a family of six!

Also, great news!  We were able to speak to our guide this morning, and she has made the necessary arrangements for us to be able to visit Lucy’s orphanage in Baoji!  This will happen on Thursday or Thanksgiving Day. This could be a difficult experience, but one we believe will be helpful to Lucy in the long run.  As you prepare for your Thanksgiving celebration on Wednesday afternoon and evening… you could be praying that God would prepare us all for this time.  Friday, we will fly to Guangzhou where we will be until we come home.  Please remember to also pray for Becca, Spencer, and Michael who will be holding down the fort at home.  They have an adventure of a different kind ahead of them and are also doing important work during our two weeks apart.  We appreciate them and their servant hearts so much!  If all goes as planned, we will arrive back in Omaha on
Thursday afternoon December 4 at about 4:30pm.

We would love for Omaha friends and family to help welcome us home by coming to the airport!  More information on that coming!  We also plan to share some thoughts with you here on the blog about how we will be doing life and family when we first get home.
Stay tuned!

The Lord replied, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
Exodus 33:14

7 thoughts on “As we prepare to go…

  1. I am so very thankful for the answer that you are going to be able to go to Baoji! Thank you, Lord! We are praying, and will co time to do so *often*!

    These time difference benchmarks are so very helpful! Thank you!

    With love for all seven of you from all of us~

  2. Still doesn’t seem possible that you are REALLY leaving after all the waiting, planning, praying, etc. We’ll be praying for you often along the way! Love to each of you.

  3. My heart is just overwhelmed with all that the Lord has for you! It is so exciting that the time is near. May He go before you and prepare the way. May He fill your house in Omaha with peace as some stay behind. Praying for the day that all 7 of you are united! He is so good!

  4. That verse from Exodus is perfect for this journey… He goes before you. His presence will never leave you be it here or on the other side of the planet. Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus.

  5. Rejoicing with you; praying with you; trusting God with you for all that He will do. Such a journey He has you on, and these two weeks are just a small (but very exciting and wonderful) part of it. I don’t know if the Lord gave you the Exodus verse before or after church on Sunday, but wasn’t it wonderful that Pastor Tommy shared it in his message and the Lord spoke it through him directly to you? His faithfulness is amazing! Love and hugs to you.

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