

We are still hoping to be China bound by Thanksgiving, amazed at all God has done to answer our simple prayer to please prepare Lucy’s heart to join our family.  The team that visited her orphanage this month (that I mentioned here and on Facebook) have sent us stories and pictures and videos that amaze our worker at Lifeline.  A very different experience from the norm.  I keep trying to process it all and boil it down to a coherent story for a blog post and then I receive more pictures and “meet” another member from the team online… my head is swimming and my heart is full.




Here is just one of many wonderful stories from the team’s week in China.
There are many more to be found if you scroll through Kelly’s blog.

10 thoughts on “Amazed

  1. Lucy Joy is so adorable and very precious in the eyes of God and in ours! We are very excited to welcome her into our family!

  2. I have been checking and checking and checking for some news here on the blog!!! What an amazing blessing to have a team there loving on your Lucy Joy!!!! SOON! It will be very SOON!! We are praying every. single. day.
    Love you guys so much.

  3. Your word amazed caught my attention this morning and the the the lyrics to the song Amazing Love came to mind. We are amazed at the things God does that seem small and large but compaired to what these words convey it is no surprise:
    I’m forgiven cause You were forsaken
    I’m accepted, Your were condemned
    I am alive and well, Your spirit is within Me
    ‘Cause You died and rose again
    Amazing love, How can it be?
    That You, my King would die for me?
    Amazing love, I know its true
    It’s my joy to honor You
    In all I do, I honor you
    You are my King

  4. Wow thank u for sharing ur journey…always look forward expectantly to see what GOD has done this time!!! Ohhhhhh so love HER BEAUUUUUTIFUL precious joyfilled someone is loving me and taking me to my forever home SMILE!!! A picture IS worth a thousand words…JoyFilled with u all today!!! Prayerful!!

  5. We are the Heintz Family and stumbled upon your blog. We are in the exact same step as your family. Our Article 5 was dropped off on the 9th and picked up on the 27th. We too are using Lifeline and are hoping and praying for TA as soon as possible. Sounds like our families may be traveling together! We will pray for your family as we know you are anxiously awaiting TA!!

  6. She is very beautiful! Thank the Lord for blessing your family and her with each other! Perfect match in His perfect love!

    Look forward to meeting her in person!

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