His Eye is on the Sparrow

We are learning as we go how the process to adopt a child from China works.
So many details to attend to…
Sometimes people ask me questions about what is next,
or how something works,
and I have to admit that I just don’t know yet!

We have prepared our I800A to go to US Immigration,
and now this week have some exciting news to share!
We are also planning to submit to China our Letter of Intent,
asking permission to be matched with a particular little girl.
We are not able to share anything else with you at this time,
but I am thinking of her as
Do you know the song?

I sing because I’m happy,
I sing because I’m free,
His eye is on the sparrow,
and I know He watches me

It is so obvious that his hand is on this whole process of adoption and that he truly does watch over these little ones. Some good friends of ours recently shared with us, just as I have shared with you today, that they were so excited because they believed that they knew which precious child they were supposed to adopt from China. Just like today, they were not able to share any other information with us at that time. She hoped that they would be able to get back to us in a few weeks. Well, we prayed for them and waited and did not hear anything. Then came all the business of Christmas and we still did not hear anything. As we progressed in our own journey through this process, we sat down a little over a week ago to look over the lists of precious children available for adoption from China. We asked the “big” kids to join us and we hoped that the Lord would speak to us if one of the faces we saw was the little brother or sister to join our family. We made a short list of names to pray over. This last week, I checked back on each of these children and we were so happy to see that one little girl had been matched with a family! We had been drawn to her and prayed for her, but felt no disappointment – only happiness for her. Today as I reviewed some emails, I realized that our friends had emailed us 11 days ago and I had missed it! The email shared more information about the little girl that they are now pre-approved to adopt, including a picture – and it was the same little one who we had been so happy for when we saw that she now had a family! Isn’t that special that the Lord would lead us to pray for our friends’ new daughter?

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,
is God in his holy dwelling.
God sets the lonely in families…
Psalm 68:5-6


7 thoughts on “His Eye is on the Sparrow

  1. Thank you for praying for our daughter….thank you. We can feel the peace that only prayers afford. We love you all! Can’t wait to hear more details about your new daughter!!!!!

  2. So excited about this news and we have been praying for your family during your adoption process. We will continue to pray with this little girl in mind, and will be thrilled to have another grandchild to add to our happy family!

  3. So happy for you all! Praying for “sparrow”! I love the story of your prayers for your friends daughter! What an awesome God!!! Love you all!

  4. What a great post, and so affirming/encouraging of being on the track the Lord has for you. I’m wondering if there isn’t a name that is connected to the meaning of sparrow?

  5. Thanks for sharing your journey of FAITH with GOD!!! Look forward to sharing the latest with the boys and adding “little Sparrow” to our morning prayer time!!! Rejoicing with your friends too!!! So glad they can be encouraged by your steadfastness to uphold them before the THRONE of GOD!!! Real life adventures with GOD and for HIS glory- a great way to be encouraged!!! Hugs!

  6. Pingback: Adoption Update! | Turning in All Standing

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