There is something we haven’t told you.

OK, here’s the deal. We have asked our agency to allow us to adopt 2 children. This is a big deal to them because they have seen families struggle with simultaneous adoption. Not just struggle, struggle and suffer and break apart and fail, so they are VERY cautious about allowing it. This means they spent time talking to us about what adopting 2 children concurrently looks like, and asked us to answer questions about it.

Lots of questions. (Our official response to them was 16 pages long).

And actually, we appreciate that quite a bit. Struggling is no fun and we know they want what is best for us and the children, they have a tremendous amount of experience in this area, and they are seeking the Lord’s will, as are we.

So, please pray with us in the coming days that the leadership at Lifeline would make this huge decision for our family with prayerful and Godly wisdom.

Many Thanks, Jason and Kirstin

Home Study Complete

checkbox1We just received word that our Home Study was completed and approved. This is a huge milestone! We have been working on our Home Study since August 2013.

Next Step: Apply to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to be deemed suitable to adopt, then wait 2-3 months!

Technically the application form is the I-800a or the “Application for Determination of Suitability to Adopt a Convention Child.”  A “Convention Child” is a child from a Hague Convention country.  A Hague Convention country is one that has signed the The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-Operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, but I won’t get started on that right now.

With our Home Study complete we can also apply for grants, and hopefully set up an account to allow people to donate money tax-free if they are so inclined.

More to come, thanks for being on this journey with us.